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Great news for economy

    The Theoretical Learning Center group of the Party Committee of the school conducted the 15th collective learning in 2024

    日期:2024-09-06Source: Network Information and Security Management Office, Publicity Department News Center, Jinan University Newspaper Cultural Center Number of page views:

    On the afternoon of September 6, Liu Chunhua, secretary of the Party Committee of the school, presided over the 15th collective learning meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Committee in 2024。The standing Committee of the school Party Committee, school leaders, and members of the theoretical learning Center of the Party Committee participated in the study。

    At the meeting, all members of the theoretical learning Center Group of the Party Committee collectively studied the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Promoting the Spirit of Educators and Strengthening the Construction of high-quality professional teachers in the New Era" and the relevant documents of the Provincial Party Committee on in-depth implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party。Zhang Xiaoxia, Minister of the Teachers' Work Department of the Party Committee and director of the Teacher Development Center, made an exchange speech。

    The meeting held that teachers are the foundation of education, the source of education, is the first resource of education development, and the construction of high-quality professional teachers is the basic project to accelerate the construction of education power。"Opinions" is a key historical node in China's systematic leap from a major education country to a powerful education country, a comprehensive and systematic deployment of the spirit of educators and the creation of high-quality professional teachers to support a powerful education country, and a compendium document for strengthening teachers and teachers in the new era and new journey。

    The meeting held that,省委十二届七次全会全面贯彻落实党的二十届三中全会精神和习近平总书记视察山东重要讲话精神,Based on Shandong reform and development reality,Make systematic planning and overall arrangements for further deepening reform in the province,It fully embodies the high consciousness of the whole province to firmly support the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance",It fully embodies the confidence and determination to take the lead in further comprehensively deepening reform。

    Zhang Xiaoxia said in the exchange speech,In the next step, the teacher development center of the teachers' work Department of the Party Committee will organize the activities of educators' spirit casting soul strengthening teachers,We will further improve the long-term mechanism for the construction of teachers' ethics and ethics,We will enrich the system of support and services for teacher development,Improve teachers' teaching ability,To provide a solid teacher guarantee for the high quality development of the school。

    Liu Chunhua combined with the reality of the school, put forward requirements for further implementation of the work。First, we must vigorously promote the spirit of educators and build a team of high-quality professional teachers。A strong country must first strengthen teaching, and a strong teacher must first strengthen teaching。The Opinions provide strong guidance and institutional guarantee for strengthening the construction of teachers in the new era and new journey。It is necessary to carry forward and practice the spirit of educators through every link of teachers' classroom teaching, scientific research and social practice,We will deepen reform and innovation in the ranks of teachers,Efforts will be made to improve teachers' ability to teach and educate,Strive to build a team of high-quality professional teachers with noble ethics, exquisite business, reasonable structure and vitality,Lay a solid foundation for the high quality development of the school。Second, we should cultivate the noble ethics and style of teachers and create a strong atmosphere of respect for teachers and education。We must improve the long-term mechanism for the development of teachers' ethics and ethics,The education of ideals and beliefs should be carried out extensively among teachers,Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era will continue to solidify the heart and forge the soul,Vigorously promote the advanced deeds of "people's educators" and "the most beautiful teachers" and other role models,Organize activities to celebrate the 40th Teacher's Day,Guide the majority of teachers to remember the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,Establish the ambition and ambition of "cultivating the education altar and strengthening the country",Self-confidence, 踔厉 work hard,To make due contributions to the building of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation。Third, we must establish the consciousness of being the vanguard of deepening comprehensive reform and strive to create a new situation in the development of school undertakings。It is necessary to focus on the deployment of the provincial Party Committee on promoting the development of educational science and technology talents and deepening the comprehensive reform of education,Firmly carry the mission of "walking in the front, carrying the backbone",We will strengthen our sense of responsibility and mission,We will further deepen the comprehensive reform of schools,Continue to improve the quality of personnel training,Promote the construction of discipline connotation,We will strengthen scientific and technological innovation,We will strengthen human resources,We will improve social services and open schools to the public,To strive to write a chapter of Chinese modernization Shandong contribution to the great force。

    Written by: Wang Na Photography: Wang Linzhen Edited by Liu Mengdi Edited by Jia Haining